The Wedit



Gemma is an Essex-based wedding content creator – the latest trend for all modern brides and grooms-to-be. Whether you want to create fun, TikTok-ready transitions or simply capture unedited shots of the day to share with friends and family, she’s got you covered. Think of her as your very own personal paparazzi for the day or perhaps a close friend.

As your wedding content creator, Gemma will act as an additional member of your wedding media team. Her role does not replace your professional photographer or videographer. Instead, it’s to work alongside them to ensure you don’t miss a single moment of your special day.

With Gemma by your side, you can relax and be present in the moment as you take your first steps as newlyweds. Plus, you’ll get to see your guests’ faces rather than a load of phones pointing back at you. Gemma will deliver all your raw content within 24 hours, including photos, videos, plus she creates reels for Instagram, and trending transitions for TikTok.






Whatsapp Gemma on 07359 194614

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