Your guide to the naked wedding cake

Wedding cakes come in all styles and sizes. With this in mind, you’re certain to find a wedding cake design that complements your theme and wedding style to perfection. Whether we like it or not, the latest trends influence every aspect of our wedding day, including our choice of cake. But while cake design trends come and go, there’s one fad that’s become a mainstay in the wedding world.

The naked cake officially hit the scene back in 2014, with this article from the Daily Mail one of the first to reveal the unfrosted fancy that’s still so popular today. Whether you are unfamiliar with the naked cake movement or simply want to know more in time for your wedding day, the following guide will provide all the answers to your questions.

What is a naked wedding cake?

A naked wedding cake is a sponge cake of three tiers or more that’s been decorated without icing or thick fondant. Thanks to its lack of icing or fondant cover, all the sponge and filling that is traditionally only seen once you cut into the cake is left exposed. Naked cakes are generally decorated sparsely with flowers, fresh fruit or a light dusting of icing sugar.

Why should I have a naked cake?

Originally reserved for vintage or boho weddings, the naked wedding cake is appearing at celebrations of all sizes and styles thanks to its stunningly stylish simplicity.

Naked wedding cakes may be simple in their design but the look of the cake can be adapted to suit any season. Dark sponges decorated with fresh fruit for example look great at winter and autumn weddings. Naked cakes, dusted in icing and adorned with bright flowers are the perfect fits for spring and summer wedding dates. 

The possibilities are endless when decorating a naked wedding cake. Despite their modest and more minimalist design, the raw beauty of the naked wedding cake looks fantastic in any venue.

Naked wedding cakes are more cost effective too. All that icing and sugar paste takes time and costs extra money to apply after all.

Which naked design should I go for?

The most popular naked cake is the fresh fruit topped design. The variety of fruit differs from cake-to-cake, with many couples opting to take a hint from the season to ensure the juiciest cake topper. 

Fresh flowers also add colour and texture to the wider simple cake design. From a single floral bloom on the top tier to elaborate cascading arrangements, floral naked cakes look stunning with little more than a light dusting.

Not ready to go naked?

For brides and grooms not ready to go the whole hog with a naked wedding cake, we have a great alternative. The semi-naked wedding cake is being embraced by many couples who want the impact of a well-decorated cake and all the perks of a trendy naked design. Perthshire-based cake designer Leigh Smith shares one very practical benefit of going semi-naked with your wedding cake:

“The only reason why semi-naked cakes appeared is because people realised that totally naked cakes run the risk of drying out within a few hours, and a thin layer of butter cream will postpone the drying out a bit longer.”

If you have any questions relating to having your wedding at Leez Priory, please don't hesitate to call Gemma via the contact details below:


T: 01245 362 555

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