A guide to table arrangements – from round to banqueting style

If you’re like most couples, you’ll probably find the table arrangements one of the most challenging parts of organising your wedding. As well as having a big impact on how your reception venue will look and feel, your table layout will also influence how guests interact with each other and how easy it is for your loved ones to socialise.

Table arrangement

In some cases, the size and shape of your venue will dictate the types of tables you’ll have for your wedding feast. However, if your venue is fairly flexible, the choice will be left to you. To help you find the perfect layout for your reception, we’re taking a look at some of the most popular options available.

Round tables

Round tables are probably the most popular choice when it comes to designing the layout of a wedding breakfast. They’re also a great option for smaller venues and venues with awkward layouts. As @MarthaWeddings says, ”Round tables are widely available and allow maximum capacity in nearly every venue. What’s more, couples will find countless linen options on the market.” From a guest’s point of view, round tables make it fairly easy to socialise and to meet new people. As long as the centrepieces aren’t too large, guests should be able to talk to those seated across the table and shouldn’t feel isolated as the meal gets underway.

Banquet tables

If you want to bring a real sense of occasion to your wedding day, banquet tables are a perfect choice. These long, thin tables will run the length of your room and will instantly impress guests when they walk in. Dress the centre of your tables with a long run of flowers or candles, but keep centrepieces small and stylish to ensure they don’t get in the way.

Sweetheart tables

Although most couples opt for large tables and sociable seating plans, there are no rules saying that this style of seating is for everyone. Instead, you could opt for something more original and a lot more intimate: sweetheart tables. These small tables seat just two people each and give couples – including the newlyweds – a bit of time to spend together. Use a mixture of sweetheart tables and larger tables to create the right mix of seating for everybody.

Your seating plan will have a big impact on how your wedding looks and feels. Putting a little extra time and thought into getting it just right will help the day go off with a bang. Learn more about planning the perfect wedding, and explore our stunning exclusive use venues, by taking a look around our site today.

If you have any questions relating to having your wedding at Leez Priory, please don't hesitate to call Gemma via the contact details below:


T: 01245 362 555
E: info@leez-priory.co.uk

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